Prolog: Programming in logic

Peter Ljunglöf, University of Gothenburg & Chalmers University of Technology

Prolog: Programming in logic

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Peter Ljunglöf

University of Gothenburg
Chalmers University of Technology

A logic puzzle

Consider a group of ten friends who want to visit a new city somewhere in the world.
They vote on seven potential destinations:

One city received four votes, two cities received two votes each, two cities received one vote each, and the remaining two cities received zero votes. How many votes did each of the cities receive?

(Puzzle borrowed from the Prolog Wikibook)

A logic puzzle (distribution of votes)

How many votes did each of the cities receive?

One city received four votes, two cities received two votes each, two cities received one vote each, and the remaining two cities received zero votes.

Cities = [Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta]
permutate(Cities, [4,2,2,1,1,0,0])

A logic puzzle (rule 1)

How many votes did each of the cities receive?

Cities = [Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta]
permutate(Cities, [4,2,2,1,1,0,0])

Beijing and Cairo got different numbers of votes:

(Cairo \= Beijing)

A logic puzzle (rule 2)

How many votes did each of the cities receive?

Cities = [Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta]
permutate(Cities, [4,2,2,1,1,0,0])
(Cairo \= Beijing)

Moscow either got the most votes, or it got zero votes:

(Moscow = 4 ; Moscow = 0)

A logic puzzle (rule 3)

How many votes did each of the cities receive?

Cities = [Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta]
permutate(Cities, [4,2,2,1,1,0,0])
(Cairo \= Beijing)
(Moscow = 4 ; Moscow = 0)

Cairo got more votes than Jakarta did:

(Cairo > Jakarta)

A logic puzzle (rule 4)

How many votes did each of the cities receive?

Cities = [Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta]
permutate(Cities, [4,2,2,1,1,0,0])
(Cairo \= Beijing)
(Moscow = 4 ; Moscow = 0)
(Cairo > Jakarta)

Jakarta got one fewer votes than London or Beijing did:

(Jakarta is London-1 ; Jakarta is Beijing-1)

A logic puzzle (rule 5)

How many votes did each of the cities receive?

Cities = [Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta]
permutate(Cities, [4,2,2,1,1,0,0])
(Cairo \= Beijing)
(Moscow = 4 ; Moscow = 0)
(Cairo > Jakarta)
(Jakarta is London-1 ; Jakarta is Beijing-1)

In the list of cities, each of the two cities that got two votes has a city that got no votes immediately to the left in the list:

zip(Cities, Zipped)
count(Zipped, 0:2, 2)

A logic puzzle (solution)

How many votes did each of the cities receive?

votes_for(Cities) :-
    Cities = [Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta],
    permutate(Cities, [4,2,2,1,1,0,0]),
    (Cairo \= Beijing),
    (Moscow = 4 ; Moscow = 0),
    (Cairo > Jakarta),
    (Jakarta is London-1 ; Jakarta is Beijing-1),
    zip(Cities, Zipped),
    count(Zipped, 0:2, 2).

How is zip(), count() and permutate() defined?

Prolog as a logical database

A Prolog program is a logical database:

A Horn clause is a disjunction of literals, where exactly one is positive:

A fact is a Horn clause without negative literals:

To run a program you state a query for Prolog to answer: Prolog tries to prove it by finding a refutation of the negated query. The goal clause is the negation of the query:

SLD resolution

Given a goal clause:

SLD resolution selects one of the literals (say s) and a definite clause from the database:

Now it replaces s in the goal by the antecedent of the definite clause:

Let’s say that we now select the literal p. This exists as a fact in the database so we can replace p with the empty antecedent:

Etcetera, until we reach the empty goal clause. This means that we have proved it incorrect, which means that the query is correct.

Depth-first, left-to-right SLD resolution

SLD resolution implicitly defines a search tree of alternative computations,
where the initial goal clause is its root.

How should we traverse this tree? Prolog uses the simplest strategy:

This is not the best strategy for a theorem prover, but it is:

Predictability is very important for a general-purpose programming language.

Prolog syntax, clauses

The Horn clause p ∧ q ∧ r → s is written like this in a Prolog database:

s :- p, q, r.

(The :- operator can be seen as a backwards-pointing arrow,
and the comma is conjunction)

A fact is written like this:


Note that the order between clauses matter!

Terms and variables

A term can be compound, atomic or a variable:

During the Prolog resolution process, the variables get instantiated via unification.
E.g., f(a,Y) can be unified with f(X,b), producing a unifier:

?- f(a,Y) = f(X,b).
X = a, Y = b

Unification can also fail. E.g., f(a,X) cannot be unified with f(X,b):

?- f(a,Y) = f(X,b), X = Y.

Prolog syntax, terms

A Prolog program is a list of facts or clauses, and each fact or clause ends with a period.

Facts and clauses are terms, and terms can be of the following forms:

In fact, everything is a term! Unary and binary operators are just syntactic sugar:

?- Expression = '+'(3, '*'(2, '-'(1, 6))).
Expression = 3 + 2 * (1 - 6).

?- Clause = ':-'(sum('.'(Y,Ys),Sum), ','(sum(Ys,Sum0), 'is'(Sum,'+'(Y,Sum0)))).
Clause = (sum([Y|Ys],Sum) :- sum(Ys,Sum0), Sum is Y+Sum0).

?- List = '.'(a, '.'(b, '.'(c, Rest))).
List = [a, b, c | Rest].

Definitions of common predicates


(P ; Q) :- P.
(P ; Q) :- Q.

Equality / unification:

(X = X).

List concatenation:

append([], Ys, Ys).
append([X|Xs], Ys, [X|Zs]) :- append(Xs, Ys, Zs).

Binary search trees:

bst_member(X, t(Left, X, Right)).
bst_member(X, t(Left, Y, Right)) :- X < Y, bst_member(X, Left).
bst_member(X, t(Left, Y, Right)) :- X > Y, bst_member(X, Right).

Example runs

Example of backtracking, with several answers:

?- append(X, [b|Y], [a,b,c,d,b,c,a]).
X = [a], Y = [c, d, b, c, a] ;
X = [a, b, c, d], Y = [c, a] ;

Binary search trees cannot be used in the same way:

?- bst_member(3, t(t(nil, 1, nil), 2, t(nil, 3, nil))).

?- bst_member(X, t(t(nil, 1, nil), 2, t(nil, 3, nil))).
X = 2 ;
ERROR: </2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated

Extra-logical predicates

Numeric calculations:

?- A is (2 + 4 + 6) / 3.
A = 4.
?- 4 is (2 + 4 + X) / 3.
ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated

Note: is is not variable assignment!

?- N=3, N1 is N+1.
N1 = 4.
?- N=3, N is N+1.

Testing terms:

?- atom(a), var(X), ground(f(a)), compound(f(a)), compound(f(X)).
?- atom(X) ; atom(f(a)) ; var(a) ; var(f(X)) ; ground(f(X)) ; compound(a) ; compound(X).

Negation as failure

Negation in Prolog is written as the unary operator \+. It is implemented as
“negation as failure”, which works like this:

If Goal contains unbound variables, there can be some strange results.
E.g., inequality \= is defined as the negation of equality:

?- X \= b, member(X, [a,b,c]).

?- member(X, [a,b,c]), X \= b.
X = a ;
X = c.


If-then-else can be defined like this:

(Test -> IfTrue ; IfFalse) :- Test, IfTrue.
(Test -> IfTrue ; IfFalse) :- \+ Test, IfFalse.

However, this is inefficient, so the -> ; construction is primitive. Negation can easily be defined in terms of if-then-else:

(\+ Goal) :- Goal -> fail ; true.

Note: the semantics is not exactly like the definition above:

(Parenthesis: if-then-else is really defined in terms of the cut, !, but I won’t go through that extremely extra-logical predicate)


Looping is done with recursion, just as in functional programming. E.g., here is a “repeat-until” predicate:

repeat_until(Test, Goal) :- Test -> true ; Goal, repeat_until(Test, Goal).

(It is important that we use if-then-else here, otherwise the Goal will be executed at the wrong places when backtracking).

However, this definition of a while loop doesn’t work (why?):

repeat_while(Test, Goal) :- Test -> Goal, repeat_while(Test, Goal) ; true.

For this reason we usually don’t define generic looping predicates. Instead we incorporate the loop directly in the program (as in most programming languages):

take_first_n(N, List, Result) :-
    ( N > 0 -> List = [X|List0], Result = [X|Result0], N0 is N-1,
        take_first_n(N0, List0, Result0)
    ; Result = []


Since Prolog has a clearly defined execution order, input/output etc. can be done via side-effects:

print_all_members(List) :- member(X, List),
                           write(X), nl,

This kind of loop is called a “failure-driven loop”. It always succeeds, binding no variables, but it performs some side-effect while traversing the list.

Here is another common looping idiom, making use of an infinitely succeeding predicate:

read_positive_number(Number) :- ( repeat, 
                                  Number > 0
                                ) -> true.
repeat :- true ; repeat.

Note: -> is necessary here, to stop repeat from repeating when the number is positive.

The logic puzzle (zip, count and permutation)

Zipping a list into adjacing pairs:

zip([_], []).
zip([X,Y|Zs], [X:Y|XYs]) :- zip([Y|Zs], XYs).

Counting the number of given elements in a list:

count([], _, 0).
count([X|Xs], Y, N) :- count(Xs, Y, N0),
                       (X = Y -> N is N0+1 ; N = N0).

A list is a permutation of another list:

permutate([], []).
permutate(ListX, [X|Perm]) :- delete(X, ListX, List),
                              permutate(List, Perm).

delete(X, [X|Ys], Ys).
delete(X, [Y|Ys], [Y|Zs]) :- delete(X, Ys, Zs).

The logic puzzle (solution)

Finally, how many votes did each of the cities receive?

votes_for(Cities) :-
    Cities = [Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta],
    permutate(Cities, [4,2,2,1,1,0,0]),
    (Cairo \= Beijing),
    (Moscow = 4 ; Moscow = 0),
    (Cairo > Jakarta),
    (Jakarta is London-1 ; Jakarta is Beijing-1),
    zip(Cities, Zipped),
    count(Zipped, 0:2, 2).

Let’s test it:

?- votes_for([Cairo, London, Beijing, Moscow, Mumbai, Nairobi, Jakarta]).
Cairo = 4, London = 0, Beijing = 2, Moscow = 0, Mumbai = 2, Nairobi = 1, Jakarta = 1
Cairo = 4, London = 0, Beijing = 2, Moscow = 0, Mumbai = 2, Nairobi = 1, Jakarta = 1

Note: The same solution is repeated 8 times. Why?

Tail recursion

Recall the predicate for counting the number of given elements in a list:

count([], _, 0).
count([X|Xs], Y, N) :- count(Xs, Y, N0),
                       (X = Y -> N is N0+1 ; N = N0).

The predicate has to walk through the whole list, remembering all invocations on the call stack, until it can start calculating. This consumes O(n) memory, which is inefficient. The standard solution (also in Haskell) is to use an accumulator to make the predicate tail-recursive:

count(List, Y, Count) :- count_accum(List, Y, 0, Count).

count_accum([], _, N, N).
count_accum([X|Xs], Y, N0, N) :- (X = Y -> N1 is N0+1 ; N1 = N0),
                                 count_accum(Xs, Y, N1, N).


Flattening an ordered binary search tree into a sorted list:

flatten_tree(nil, []).
flatten_tree(t(Left, X, Right), List) :- flatten_tree(Left, LeftList),
                                         flatten_tree(Right, RightList),
                                         append(LeftList, [X|RightList], List).

This gives an O(n2) behaviour. Better is to accumulate while traversing:

flatten_tree(Tree, List) :- flatten_tree_accum(Tree, [], List).

flatten_tree_accum(nil, List, List).
flatten_tree_accum(t(Left, X, Right), In, Out) :-
        flatten_tree_accum(Left, In, Mid),
        flatten_tree_accum(Right, [X|Mid], Out).

But, wait:

?- flatten_tree(t(t(nil,1,nil),2,t(nil,3,t(nil,4,nil))), List).
List = [4, 3, 2, 1].

Accumulation (ctd)

The problem is that we can only add elements to the head (left) of a list. So let’s process the right subtree first instead:

flatten_tree_accum(nil, List, List).
flatten_tree_accum(t(Left, X, Right), In, Out) :-
        flatten_tree_accum(Right, In, Mid),
        flatten_tree_accum(Left, [X|Mid], Out).

Now, suppose that we have to process the left subtree first (e.g., because we’re doing some side-effects while traversing). No problem!

flatten_tree_accum(nil, List, List).
flatten_tree_accum(t(Left, X, Right), In, Out) :-
        flatten_tree_accum(Left, [X|Mid], Out),
        flatten_tree_accum(Right, In, Mid).

It still works, even though, the In list will be uninstantiated during traversal!

?- flatten_tree(t(t(nil,1,nil),2,t(nil,3,t(nil,4,nil))), L).
L = [1, 2, 3, 4].

Difference lists

A difference list in Prolog is a normal list, except the very end of it is a logic variable, paired with that variable. For example:


What the..? Why should I want to use that kind of strange beast?
Answer: List concatenation!

dl_append(In:Mid, Mid:Out, In:Out).

?- dl_append([a,b,c|Xs]:Xs, [x,y,z|Ys]:Ys, Result).
Xs = [x,y,z|Ys],
Result = [a,b,c,x,y,z|Ys]:Ys.

Since this uses a single unification to append you have O(1) instead of O(n) complexity.

An English grammar

Let’s try to implement this grammar for a tiny English fragment:

sentence --> noun_phrase, verb_phrase.
verb_phrase --> verb, noun_phrase.
noun_phrase --> det, noun, ([] ; prepositional_phrase).
prepositional_phrase --> prep, noun_phrase.
det --> [the] ; [a].
noun --> [woman] ; [man] ; [park] ; [telescope].
verb --> [saw].
prep --> [with] ; [in].

This grammar recognises sentences such as:

An English grammar (first attempt)

Here’s our first attempt at a Prolog grammar:

sentence(S) :- noun_phrase(NP), verb_phrase(VP), append(NP, VP, S).
verb_phrase(VP) :- verb(Verb), noun_phrase(NP), append(Verb, NP, VP).
noun_phrase(NP) :- det(Det), noun(Noun), append(Det, Noun, NP).
noun_phrase(NP) :- det(Det), noun(Noun), append(Det, Noun, DetNoun),
    prepositional_phrase(PP), append(DetNoun, PP, NP).
prepositional_phrase(PP) :- prep(Prep), noun_phrase(NP), append(Prep, NP, PP).

det([the]). det([a]).
noun([man]). noun([woman]). noun([park]). noun([telescope]).
prep([with]). prep([in]).

Wow! It works:

?- sentence([the, woman, saw, the, woman]).

..or does it?

?- sentence([the, man, saw, the, woman]).

An English grammar (second attempt)

The problem is that concatentation occurs too late, so let’s put it earlier:

sentence(S) :- append(NP, VP, S), noun_phrase(NP), verb_phrase(VP).
verb_phrase(VP) :- append(Verb, NP, VP), verb(Verb), noun_phrase(NP).
noun_phrase(NP) :- append(Det, Noun, NP), det(Det), noun(Noun).
noun_phrase(NP) :- append(Det, NounPP, NP), det(Det), 
    append(Noun, PP, NounPP), noun(Noun), prepositional_phrase(PP).
prepositional_phrase(PP) :- append(Prep, NP, PP), prep(Prep), noun_phrase(NP).

Now it works!

?- sentence([the, woman, saw, the, man, in, the, park, with, a, telescope]).

But there are still problems:

An English grammar (difference lists)

So, let’s use difference lists instead:

sentence(S) :- dl_append(NP, VP, S), noun_phrase(NP), verb_phrase(VP).

which by the definition of dl_append is the same as:

sentence(Sin:Sout) :- noun_phrase(Sin:Smid), verb_phrase(Smid:Sout).

so, we can write the grammar like this (splitting the difference list into two arguments):

sentence(Sin, Sout) :- noun_phrase(Sin, Smid), verb_phrase(Smid, Sout).
verb_phrase(Vin, Vout) :- verb(Vin, Vmid), noun_phrase(Vmid, Vout).
noun_phrase(Nin, Nout) :- det(Nin, Nmid), noun(Nmid, Nlate),
    (Nlate = Nout ; prepositional_phrase(Nlate, Nout)).
prepositional_phrase(Pin, Pout) :- prep(Pin, Pmid), noun_phrase(Pmid, Pout).

det([the|X], X). det([a|X], X).
noun([man|X], X). noun([woman|X], X). noun([park|X], X). noun([telescope|X], X).
verb([saw|X], X).
prep([with|X], X). prep([in|X], X).

An English grammar (DCG notation)

As it happens, Prolog has syntactic sugar for difference list grammars:

sentence --> noun_phrase, verb_phrase.
verb_phrase --> verb, noun_phrase.
noun_phrase --> det, noun, ([] ; prepositional_phrase).
prepositional_phrase --> prep, noun_phrase.
det --> [the] ; [a].
noun --> [woman] ; [man] ; [park] ; [telescope].
verb --> [saw].
prep --> [with] ; [in].

When Prolog reads the grammar, it translates it directly into difference list predicates:

?- listing(noun_phrase), listing(det).
noun_phrase(A, D) :- det(A, B), noun(B, C), (C=D ; prepositional_phrase(C, D)).
noun(A, B) :- (A=[woman|B] ; A=[man|B] ; A=[park|B] ; A=[telescope|B]).

When we parse a sentence we have to “end” the difference list with a []:

?- sentence([the, woman, saw, the, man, in, the, park, with, a, telescope], []).

Accumulation using DCG

Remember the binary tree flattening predicate?

flatten_tree_accum(nil, List, List).
flatten_tree_accum(t(Left, X, Right), In, Out) :- flatten_tree_accum(Left, [X|Mid], Out),
                                                  flatten_tree_accum(Right, In, Mid).

Let’s switch the order and the names between the accumuator arguments:

flatten_tree_dcg(nil, List, List).
flatten_tree_dcg(t(Left, X, Right), In, Out) :- flatten_tree_dcg(Left, In, XMid),
                                                XMid = [X|Mid], 
                                                flatten_tree_dcg(Right, Mid, Out).

Yes, the name says it all. It’s really a DCG:

flatten_tree_dcg(nil) --> [].
flatten_tree_dcg(t(Left, X, Right)) --> flatten_tree_dcg(Left), [X], flatten_tree_dcg(Right).

We just have to be careful about the order of the arguments:

?- flatten_tree_dcg(t(t(nil,1,nil),2,t(nil,3,t(nil,4,nil))), L, []).
L = [1, 2, 3, 4].

Alternatives to Prolog


Constraint logic programming:



Mercury, Curry: